Thursday, March 15, 2012

M2. Texting and Driving

Texting and driving is a something that should be seriously enforced. I think that it is hard, however, to get through to all teenagers. Even adults are checking e-mails and answering voicemails on their phones while driving. When you’re on the road it is essential that you’re paying attention at ALL times. Talking from experience, all it takes is a look to the left for one second too long, and you’re moving towards the shoulder of the road or into the next lane. I can’t imagine trying to text and drive. In traffic…that’s one thing but while going 55 on Broadway? Are we kidding? We can’t be away from our phones for the 30 minute drive it takes to get wherever we’re going? (Notice…I said 30 minutes because it takes exactly that to get anywhere relatively decent. This is a blog. I can speak my mind.)
Overall I struggle with the idea of texting while driving because I am so nervous to hit a child or a person on a bike. I could even hit a pole and seriously injure myself. I made a promise to my Dad that I wouldn’t text and drive so of course I have to keep it.
Now that I’ve expressed my feeling on texting and driving, I can talk about what technology is coming out that will hopefully erase this problem or at least lessen it.  Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech is already out but it isn’t perfect yet. There are a lot of glitches because it is new technology, but in the near future we will begin to see this expand. While you’re in the car your Bluetooth will pick up your text message and give you the option of hearing it through your speakers. You can listen to your text message and simply say “reply” to activate your Bluetooth voice recognizer and dictate your text message. Say “Period” and “Send” when you’re done and off your text message goes. This will eliminate some of the distraction that comes with using the touchpad or keyboard on your phone to send a text while driving.

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