What is a hero? That is a loaded question to answer. I believe that what describes a hero is someone who helps a person change or alter their circumstances, something they couldn’t do without the help of another person. A hero can be anyone but for me, my hero resides in my faith. If I didn’t have something to believe in, something that gave me a light at the end of the tunnel, I wouldn’t be able to get through my life. There is so much wrong in this world, so much hate and deceit that if I had to face all of this without knowing that there is a God bigger than every person on this planet, I couldn’t face what I face on a daily basis. The word Hero is a vast understatement but it isn’t false either. I had a life without my faith and I found that I didn’t question any intentions so I was always deceived. The world speaks down to the thought of a God and to those who follow that belief but I would too. I don’t go to church; I don’t work at the city mission on the weekends and believe in no sex until marriage. I know Christians who should call themselves agnostic. They can’t even call themselves good people yet they go to church and spend time with other Christians and fake the funk. If I were to get engaged or have a relationship with someone who I believed was what the world calls “the one” and I felt that God approved my relationship I would not freak out about what the church says I should do. God created all of us, right? He gave all of us hormones and feelings, right? He created the human mind, right? So He’s well aware of the feelings we get when with another person. The difference is that I would invest all my time into making sure he is the one God has for me. I am not going to tie myself down to what religion tells me. And because of that I can say that God is my hero, He saved me from who everyone tells me I’m supposed to be. I live happily knowing that He knows where I’m going and where I’ll end up 20 years from now. My definition of hero is someone who teaches you something that in turn changes your way of thinking and makes an indent in your personal journey. My hero just happens to be my journey.
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