Thursday, January 26, 2012

J - Choice

Ides of March starring Ryan Gosling, George Clooney, and Philip Seymour Hoffman (bolded because, as we know, he’s my favorite actor) has officially rocked my view on politics. The movie was spectacular and extremely captivating. For those who haven’t seen it I would stop reading now.
Ryan Gosling has recently taken a serious step in his acting and entered the world of suspense and drama. As the movie progresses you’ll see a switch in all the characters and those who start out as your favorite might end up being your least favorite. This movie gives its viewers and inside scoop on what really happens in politics while on the road between states. This includes the negotiations for the endorsement decisions, scandals, and affairs. George Clooney and Ryan Gosling had a strained relationship throughout the movie, Ryan Gosling playing Stephen Meyers is second in command of Governor Mike Morris's (George Clooney) presidential campaign and as he works his way up in the business he faces a decision that could be fatal for Morris’s campaign. As the story unfolds and Meyers invests in a romantic relationship with an intern he finds out that he isn’t the only one breaking the rules. Enter the plot thickener: who got her pregnant and why is Morris calling her at 2am?
Meyers makes his decision and weather it helped or hurt is unknown.
Going from:
Stephen Meyers: I'm not a Christian. I'm not an Atheist. I'm not Jewish. I'm not Muslim. My religion, what I believe in is called the Constitution of United States of America.
Stephen Meyers: You can lie, you can cheat, you can start a war, you can bankrupt the country, but you can't f*** the interns. They get you for that.
…is proof of the character change in Meyers.
Was his change for the good or for revenge? Find out for yourself.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

J - Music!

My favorite topic! Well, right now I have a few. As stated in other blog posts I am a big fan of music. Lately I have been into specific artists and those that I like have been on replay…all night. Drake’s new album Take Care was a pass through when it first came up but last week I was in the mood to hear him and I listened to his whole album through. It’s not an Obsession. That night as it was blasting through my room I called my brother in and showed him some of his best.
I’m afraid I started something.
It’s a favorite now, Marvin’s Room has been on rotation every car ride, while making dinner, during homework, before we all go to bed. Obsession.
It’s not because he’s attractive. It’s the story he tells, he keeps it real. You get to learn what it’s like to be Drake through every song he sings. His style has evolved, while it’s turned more towards Lil Wayne it would be hard not to when he’s one of your closest friends. 
While I listen to A LOT of different artists, right now, Drake is my escape. I find that he’s easy to listen to and open with who he is and what he’s feeling. The best on Take Care, I believe, are The Ride, Shot for Me, Make Me Proud, Marvin’s Room, Buried Alive, We’ll Be Fine, The Real Her, and Under Ground Kings. He’ll be rising over the next few years. He’s got what it takes to make it.
One of my favorite lines from him is from Marvin’s Room:
“I got some women that's living off me
Paid for their flights and hotels I’m ashamed
…Having a hard time adjusting to fame”
A lot of others include: Kirk Franklin, Justin Timberlake, Blackstreet, Francesca Battistelli, Usher, Erykah Badu, Beyonce, Mary Mary, Paramore, Jill Scott, and Lauryn Hill.

Friday, January 20, 2012

J - Hero

What is a hero? That is a loaded question to answer. I believe that what describes a hero is someone who helps a person change or alter their circumstances, something they couldn’t do without the help of another person. A hero can be anyone but for me, my hero resides in my faith. If I didn’t have something to believe in, something that gave me a light at the end of the tunnel, I wouldn’t be able to get through my life. There is so much wrong in this world, so much hate and deceit that if I had to face all of this without knowing that there is a God bigger than every person on this planet, I couldn’t face what I face on a daily basis. The word Hero is a vast understatement but it isn’t false either. I had a life without my faith and I found that I didn’t question any intentions so I was always deceived. The world speaks down to the thought of a God and to those who follow that belief but I would too. I don’t go to church; I don’t work at the city mission on the weekends and believe in no sex until marriage. I know Christians who should call themselves agnostic. They can’t even call themselves good people yet they go to church and spend time with other Christians and fake the funk. If I were to get engaged or have a relationship with someone who I believed was what the world calls “the one” and I felt that God approved my relationship I would not freak out about what the church says I should do. God created all of us, right? He gave all of us hormones and feelings, right? He created the human mind, right? So He’s well aware of the feelings we get when with another person. The difference is that I would invest all my time into making sure he is the one God has for me. I am not going to tie myself down to what religion tells me. And because of that I can say that God is my hero, He saved me from who everyone tells me I’m supposed to be. I live happily knowing that He knows where I’m going and where I’ll end up 20 years from now. My definition of hero is someone who teaches you something that in turn changes your way of thinking and makes an indent in your personal journey. My hero just happens to be my journey.

Friday, January 13, 2012


A choice blog…another choice blog. I have just written 2 blogs and my brain is spilling out the side of my head and I am using the backspace button more frequently than usual. I am going to make a good blog out of this and it is going to be 300 words because I am a boss.
JERSEYSHORE. It’s new, it’s exciting, and it’s another season of the same thing. Of course it’s the same thing because all they do is smush, drink, sit around and argue, use the duck phone, bicker with significant others, or laugh and how slutty they all look but somehow it works. But I am thinking that this season it wasn’t going to. Recently Vinny has chosen to go home…out of the blue…after seeing his mother. Something about that seems fishy to me. Pauly D and Vinny have always been my favorite males in the house, in fact I think they should get their own show. Vinny is the most level headed one in the house and all of a sudden he’s losing his mind. So we all know what happened and I believe that it was staged. The whole thing. I don’t think the others knew it was staged but it doesn’t make any sense why all of a sudden he wants to go home, a grown man, to spend a few days with his mother. Vinny is smart and he’s able to work through his own problems, he always has been able to. Pauly is his boy and his reaction seemed vaild and Ronnie as terrible as his advice is, he seemed serious too but Vinny lost his mind for a bit there. I don’t know if he’ll come back but I am betting that he will. Boosting the ratings, shaking up the viewers and keeping the show interesting, seems like good motivation for sending Vinny home…for a short period of time. The others in the house, upset by the loss, will change things up a bit.
Will it make the show better or worse? Will we see Vinny again?

I - SPOLIER ALERT. Holiday Break

This winter break was one of the best I’ve had in a while. The highlight of my holiday break was definitely seeing The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (twice) and the memories that came along with it. I went to see The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo with Emily Cole and Al Farrel for the first time and it was one of the funniest nights I’ve had in a while. The day before, Al was over until 4 (cuatro) am watching movies and we decided to go see the movie together the next day. Well, we did, and it was incredible.
The movie took drama to thriller and thriller to a masterpiece. Rooney Mara took on the her character, Lisbeth, and made her believable. The movie looked sketchy and really dark, and it was, but it was brilliant. The story of Lisbeth and everything she had to go through was borderline life changing. Yes, there was a rape scene and many nudity scenes but it made the movie into what it was. Mara found out before she chose to take on the part that she would have to be naked in front of Daniel Craig and she didn’t even flinch. She knew she wanted to do it and nothing was going to stop her. Lisbeth and Mikael had an unheard of relationship. There was so much emotional damage wafting through the movie that when the two leads got together you couldn’t help but want a marriage, children, and grandchildren (or at least I did). Taking into account that the ending wasn’t what I wanted, I understand that it will continue. The filming was beautiful; the setting was perfect for the tone of the movie. I would recommend the movie to anyone.

Emily, Al, and I had a wonderful time that night. And I saw it again a few days later.

I - 3 Item Bucket List

3 Item Bucket List:
Get a Miniature Pinscher:  I want to own a minpin and Isabel will be her name. Miniature Pinschers, I believe, are the perfect dogs for me. We have very similar personalities in many ways. The Miniature Pinscher is athletic, energetic, intuitive and strong-willed. Many of the websites cast warnings about this type of dog because of its toddler effect. Izzy will need a lot of attention…constant attention like a child would. She thinks she’s a big dog so she’ll take on any challenge, big or small. I have to want to be the Alpha dog in the pack otherwise she will be the Alpha and own me. If she gets bored, she will happily destroy anything to satisfy her need. She’ll want to be entertained with walks and interesting, time consuming toys. Isabel will be a lot to handle but she will also be the best friend I ever have. I am up for the challenge J
Travel all over the world: I want to see Switzerland, Germany, Greece, Barcelona, Paris, Venice, Rome, Australia, Russia, China, and I’m sure I’ll explore more as I live longer. I am not the type of person to talk and not do. Traveling the world will help to complete my life journey. Seeing the beauty and seeing the enormous world outside of Alden, is my goal. I plan to go away to college and I won’t come back. I will be traveling during my breaks with friends or my family. I hope to give my children the same life. Every break they have we will travel to another state or country. I understand the money will be extensive but I am well prepared to make a success out of myself in my career.
Attend a nightclub in London, England: Dubstep, house, drum n bass, electronica, and Kaskade? Absolutely. The clubs in London are some of the hottest scenes you’ll find past 10:00. I want to go to London and spend a night touring clubs and gaining that experience.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The World

How would I go about changing the world? Well it’s simple for me. I would, and am, trying to do just that. As a strong believer in God I believe that I am responsible to pay close attention to the needs of other people. To listen to a friend and use as much wisdom as I currently have to help them make a hard decision or change someone else’s life is the best thing I can do. I know for a fact that if I had the help I am trying to give to people, two years ago, I’d be a different person entirely. Currently I have that help; I have a best friend who is meeting far beyond the expectations of any one person because of his faith. I know that he is there for me and he’s willing to do and say what’s best for me even if I don’t like the truth and that is what a teenage girl needs. Security. If I can change the world it would be through the truth. I don’t believe that lying is what will get you what you want. It will get you out of a few jams but it will never give you the pure satisfaction of telling someone exactly how you feel. I can’t stand being lied to so I promise every single person I talk to that if they want to hear it I will tell them everything they need to know in the cold hard truth.
Changing the world entirely is a difficult thing to do but I believe that if I help one person move forward I will be able to help them help hundreds of others. I hold myself accountable to my faith and my belief. People look at religion and those who act upon it as hypocrites because…well…a lot of them are. I want to do what I can to change the opinions of as many as possible to make the world around me a better place.