Monday, November 21, 2011

Spoiler Alert!

Picking a favorite book is extremely difficult for me because I read so much. I am going to step out on a limb and face the truth on this one. My favorite book, so far, is Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyers. No, it’s not because the movie just came out or because I am some vampire freak. This is because I admire Stephanie Meyers and there is a lot of relatable dialog in Breaking Dawn. Edward and Bella are such a phenomenon because of the movies and the whole scene has been stretched to the limits but I believe strongly that my reason for loving this book is because of its emotional excellence. Bella gains power that she didn’t know she had until her world turns upside down. Her husband, Edward, wants to do what will protect her and she wants to do what will protect her baby which happens to be opposite of what will protect her. She puts her life on the line for her baby, for her belief in her baby. She accepted death for an unborn child that could potentially be dangerous to her and her entire family. She knew what she felt about her baby; she put her marriage and her love for Edward last. When Renesmee Carlie Cullen was born Bella did die. She lost her life but gained another; one that included the most beautiful and life changing baby I’ve ever read about; a baby that only Stephanie Meyers could create. Bella and Edward, together, raised a child of brilliance and beauty.
Meanwhile, Bella was finding out who she really is, who she never thought she could be, a shield of pure strength. She always depended on Edward for her safety. In reality, she was the one who could keep everyone safe, her daughter included.  Edward and Bella grew into a couple, a collaboration that only true love can form. In sickness and in health the couple grew into two of the most celebrated fictional characters this generation has seen.  

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